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Hough, Graude & Partners
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Kr. Valdemara 34, Fourth Floor, LV 1010 Riga, Latvia
Phone: +371 2 2461903 | Mobile +372 5 02 8239
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Andris Vilcins;Esq., is the senior attorney representing the interests of the Law Firm in Riga, Latvia. Born in Riga (Latvia). In 1993 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia. In 1994-97 worked as a lawyer and later as general director of the Latvian State Agency. He specializes in commercial and corporate law, securities law, privatization and real estate law, international law and inheritance matters.

Languages: Latvian, English, Russian

Valdis Kalninsh, Esq., is an attorney with the Latvian Law Firm's Riga office. In 1998 Mr. Kalninsh graduated with a Bachelor of Laws degree from the Turiba University in Riga, Latvia. Mr. Kalninsh received his LLM from the State University of Latvia in 2005. Mr. Kalninsh specializing in corporate, commercial, real estate and courts of common jurisdiction.

Languages: Latvian, English, Russian 

Ivars Bacis, Esq., is an attorney with the firm's Riga office, was born in 1978 in Riga, Latvia. Mr. Bacis graduated from the Law Faculties of the University of Latvia. His specializations include international law, commercial law and intellectual property law.

Languages: Latvian, English, Russian 

Andrejs Silds, Esq., is an attorney with the firm's office in Riga. Mr. Silds was born in Riga, Latvia in 1982. In 2004, he graduated from the Law School of Concordia International University in Tallinn, Estonia. His specializations include corporate, commercial, real estate, labor and tax law.

Languages: Latvian, English, Russian 

Ilze Kruminsh, Esq., is a jurist with the Firm's office in Riga, Latvia. Ms. Kruminsh graduated with Bachelor of Law degree from the Law Faculty of Concordia University in 2002. Ms. Kruminsh Currently Ms. Kruminsh expecting her LLM degree from University of Latvia. Her specializations include maritime law, corporate and company law, security law and real estate law.

Languages: Latvian, English

Anna Eglis, Esq., is an attorney with Riga office of the Firm. Ms. Eglis received his bachelor degree from University of Law in Riga in 2003. Ms. Eglis received his LLM form the University of Latvia in 2012. Ms. Eglis specializes in corporate law and real estate law.

Languages: Latvian, Russian, English.