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Hough, Graude & Partners
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Kr. Valdemara 34, Fourth Floor, LV 1010 Riga, Latvia
Phone: +371 2 2461903 | Mobile +372 5 02 8239
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Law Firm Overview. Riga Latvia

Hough Graude & Partners is one of the leading Latvian Law Firm with offices in Riga, Vilnius, Tallinn and Warsaw, established in 1995. Latvian lawyers and attorneys of the Law Firm in Tallinn provide full range of legal services, counsel and advice private individuals and foreign companies, specializing in commercial litigation. The Law Firm provides legal services and assists in company registration and incorporation, company formation and obtains a work permit. Lawyers and attorneys of the Firm in Tallinn assist their clients on purchase of real estate, consult clients on company formation and transacting business or obtaining legal representation in Latvia.

The Firm assists its clients with services including bank account opening, monthly accounting and bookkeeping, tax report preparation, debts collection, due diligence reports, obtain construction permits and provide general investment advice.

The Firm’s attorneys are setting up a new company in the name of the clients and open a bank account only in one visit and within three hours.

Latvian Law Firm provides legal advice concerning Latvian laws, represent clients in Latvian courts of all jurisdictions. Our English speaking Latvian lawyers and attorneys in Riga office expertise in the Latvian and International laws allows them to assist clients at a higher international standards level. The Law Firm provides legal advice regarding Latvian corporate law, including company formation, business incorporation and obtains a virtual currency licenses (crypto licenses), including crypto wallet and crypto exchange licenses. Lawyers and attorneys of the Firm assist clients drafting foundation agreements and shareholder agreements, organize joint venture structure, reorganizations of businesses and M&A.

Attorneys of the Firm advise clients regarding purchase of real estate and register the property and obtain title, advice on inheritance matters, provide legal support for a construction projects, intellectual property law and labor law, including draft employment agreements and represent employers in a labor negotiation. Attorneys of the Firm in Tallinn office serve their clients in Latvian, English and Russian languages.

Latvian lawyers of the Firm provide legal advice concerning banking law, securities laws, corporate taxation and VAT regulations, commercial law, distribution and sales agreements, franchise agreements and security arrangements. The Firm’s Latvian attorneys advise clients with respect to international trade law, real estate law, construction law, intellectual property law, patent, trademark and copyright law and labor law.

Hough Graude & Partners is dedicated to assisting our clients in the rapidly evolving business and legal environment in Latvia and Eastern Europe. The Firm offers its clients a range of services in a variety of practice areas to meet the needs of business, investors, and individuals transacting business in the Baltic States.